Which page-builder plugin should I use with WordPress?

WordPress has come a long way since its inception as a humble blogging platform, but in all of that time, no single plugin has revolutionized the way we build websites like Beaver Builder has.

For years, closed-source platforms like Squarespace claimed a powerful advantage over WordPress; their intuitive, drag-and-drop page builders were much easier to use; particularly for business owners with limited time and no desire to learn to write code.

WordPress, in contrast, required use of paint-by-the-numbers themes in which your design capabilities were severely constrained by the original plugin author. You could spend hours scouring marketplace sites, sifting through hundreds of themes in pursuit of one which felt consistent with your internal vision. Even then, too many of them were clunky to use.

Thankfully, someone answered the bell: slowly, but surely, WordPress-based page builders made their way to market.

Beaver Builder: The Best

Beaver Builder certainly wasn’t the first WordPress page builder, but in our experience, it’s emphatically the best. To make a long story short:

  • It’s easy to use. Beaver Builder offers beautiful, intuitive, drag-and-drop design capability. You can take full control of the appearance of every corner of your website; no code or band-aid plugin required.
  • It’s incredibly versatile. You can create any design imaginable with its built-in modules (or those provided by several third parties).
  • It’s well written. This means lean, fast and extensible code. It also signals a commitment from its authors to doing things “the right way”.

Importantly, Beaver Builder also does not use shortcodes to facilitate its designs; this means that should you ever want to discontinue use of Beaver Builder, doing so won’t make a mess of your site. (We can’t say the same of WP Bakery, Divi and others.)

Beaver Builder is designed to work with any major, WordPress standards-compliant theme, but we use it exclusively with the Beaver Builder child theme.

The child theme is a blank canvas, by design, with a variety of sensible Customizer options in place; this means you’ll mostly rely upon the page builder to bring your vision to life.

Finally, Beaver Themer allows you to use the builder to customize templated layouts of the site; things like your header, footer, post, post archive and much more.


  • We swear by Beaver Builder because it radically simplifies the process of bringing a beautiful, high-performance website to life.
  • It makes it much easier for us to design your website and for you to maintain it.

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